12/12/07 Well, a lot has changed since the last time I updated this. We moved and are back at Northwest Elementary. Gabriel is in Mr. Williams' third grade class and Angelica is in Mrs Franco's first grade class. They have reunited with old friends and have made new friends. Gabriel quit soccer after the first game. Turns out, it wasn't for him. Hopefully he finds something else he likes. 8/28/07 Well, today the kids started their first day of school for this year. They were both very excited and soooo ready! Gabriel is in the 3rd grade and his teacher is Miss Lamp. Angelica is in the 1st grade and her teacher is Ms. Andon. Both their teachers seem really nice. I hope they have a great year this year.Also, Gabriel started soccer practice yesterday. He is in the U9 league and his team is the Dragons. They play on a bigger field and have bigger goals. He was really excited to start. He is one of the new kids on the team, but he will quickly become one of the them!
Wow, it's been over a month since I've updated this! A lot has happened! I finished school and have been doing my extern. I now have less than 200 hours to go! It has gone by sooooo fast. I can't believe I am almost completely done! The kids have been doing great. They both got promoted to the next grade! Angie will be in 1st and Gabe will be in 3rd. My how time has gone by! Gabe made his 1st communion back on May 5th. Everything has been going good in my life. I will try and keep this updated, as much as I can!
3-21-07 2 more days and counting!!! Yea!!! I took my final practical on Monday and got a 97! I had everything perfect except for 2 things. I think I got the highest grade in the class. Yesterday I had an interview for a possible extern. He hired me on the spot! I start Monday at 9 am. I am so excited and can't wait. I will try and keep you all posted!
1-23-07 Well, Almost done!!!! Yup that's right! Tonight we finish our 5th module, and then, it's 1 more! Wow, can't believe it's almost over! Then it's on to do our extern! I can't wait. I am so excited and nervous!
We took our practicals last night and I got an 85. I was glad! We also got back 3 out of 4 final grades. We will get the other either tonight or tomorrow. And so far, all A's! Oh, and last module my GPA was a 3.75! Can you believe it? I know I can't!
11-30-06 Ok, so I got my other 2 grades! ALL A's!!! =) Of course I won't get Honor Roll, or Director's Honor Roll, or Perfect Attendance. I missed more than 4 hours last module. But it's all good. I was just excited to get my grades! =)
11-27-06 Well, it's been awhile since I've updated my blog about my school days...So here goes!
Where do I start? Well, first off, I am done with 4 out of 6 modules! Tonight I will start on my 5th one, Module #1. Wednesday was the last day for 8 of my fellow classmates. Today they are out there doing what they have been preparing for the last 11 months. Soon I will be out there too! Just 2 more modules, 60 more class days, 4 more months. Seems like just yesterday I started and seems like I have been going forever! CRAZY!!! Anyway, I got back 2 of my 4 grades for last module. BOTH A's!! When I get the final 2, I will post all 4. I can't wait til I am done!
This is in memory of my uncle. This is taken from the La Familia Banda web site that is updated by a family member.Today is Macario’s 59th Birthday. He was born on February
28, 1948. Macario graduated from Del Valle High School in 1965. He attended barber school after graduation. Macario was drafted into the Army in 1968. He received basic training at Fort Polk in Louisiana and was assigned to the United States Army, 11th Light Infantry Brigade. In August 1968, after only six weeks of basic training, Macario was sent into combat in the jungles of Vietnam. Macario was killed by a land mine in Quang Ngai, South Vietnam on February 11, 1969 while conducting reconnaissance. Macario was 20 years old, just 17 days short of his 21st birthday. At the time of his death, Macario was engaged to be married to Linda Cancino, Augustin's sister.
The following is an excerpt from a message sent to Macario at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial website from a fellow comrade from Bowdon, Georgia in 2000."In same squad.wounded same time. Gone But Not Forgotten.
Banda, I have thought of you many times over the past thirty years and it all seems like yesterday. A lot has come and gone since that hot afternoon in Vietnam, but I will always remember you for your story of Bonnie @ Clyde in Texas. I was hit from the same mine that got you and most of our squad. You are a Hero and I'am proud to have known you. David Marino (MO)”

2-23-07 Well, it's been over a month since I've updated this. So here ya go! Well, lets see, what has happened since last month? Well, first off, remember how back in November I mentioned that Gabriel was a Math Stars I student. Well, now he's a Math Marvels I student! He completely skipped Math Stars II! I couldn't believe it....the order is Math Stars I, Math Stars II, Math Marvels I, Math Marvels II, etc.... Also, he currently has 10-20 Accelerated Reader (AR) points...the way it works is you read a book, take a test on it and earn points, each book is worth different points.... Yesterday he got his report card. I had to call my in laws to tell him his grades. I couldn't believe my eyes! His grades are as follows: Overall Core Average-94, English Language Arts Average-92, Language Arts-92, Social Studies-91, Math-97, and Science-95. Yup, a 97 in Math! We are so proud of him! Angie hasn't gotten her report card yet, so once I receive it, I will update this!
1/11/07-Well, it's been awhile since I've updated this, so here goes! Both Gabe and Angie got their report cards on Tuesday and they both had an awards ceremony today.
Gabe's awards: Perfect Attendance all semester, All A's Semester, Fight Free all semester, and Good Citizenship all semester.
Angie's awards: Fight Free all semester and Good Citizenship all semester.
Gabe brought his grades up and got all A's this time! WOOHOO!!! His grades for the 3rd 6 weeks are as follows: Overall Core Average-93, English Language Arts Average-95, Language Arts-95, Social Studies-94, Math-91, and Science-91. His overall semester averages are as follows: Overall Core Average-91, English Language Arts Average-93, Language Arts-93, Social Studies-90, Math-91, and Science-91. We are so proud of him! (If you would like to see his picture and his awards, take a look at my pictures blog.)
Angie is improving and learning a lot. She loves school. She doesn't receive grades yet, just checks and pluses. She's got a lot of them! We are so proud of her! (If you would like to see her picture, take a look at my pictures blog. I haven't received her awards yet. Once I do, I will post them.)