Miss Nadia Nicole has made her arrival on Monday, July 21st, 2008
At around 6:30-6:45 in the morning, I woke up to a gush. At first I didnt think anything, thought oops, I peed. So I got up, went to the restroom and decided to go ahead and get ready for work. I took a shower and got dressed. I then felt another gush. At 7:15 I woke up David and told him to be ready. I wasnt having contractions, but after 2 gushes, I wanted to make sure he was ready to go. Around 7:30 I called my ob and left a message for the nurse to call me back. I then called work and told them what was going on. Right before 8, I had another gush. This time it had blood so I told David screw it, Im not waiting for the nurse to call me back. Lets go.
I got to the hospital at around 8:30. Right when I got there, the nurse called. She said to just go into the office instead. Its next door so it was no biggie. When I got to the office, they took me back right away. When my ob came in to check me, I had another gush and I was dialated to 1 1/2 cm, 50% effaced. She then told me to head to L&D to be induced. By 9:15 am I was admitted and in my room. By 9:45, my IV was in and so was the pitocin. I still wasnt having contractions. By 10:15 I started to finally get contractions and they were 2 minutes apart.
At 11:15, they gave me my epi and I was dialated to 3 cm. By 12:15, I was 5 cm and fully effaced. The nurse laughed and said that I probably didnt need the pitocin since I was going quick. By 12:40, I was at a 7-8 cm. Then within a few minutes went to a 9, then a 10. After pushing for about 10 minutes, she was out!
Nadia Nicole was born at 1:12 pm, weighed 6lbs, 4oz and was 19 inches long.
Let's do THIS!
10 years ago