Story of my life! lol... Wow, I dont even know how long its been since I last posted. What? Almost 2 months? Crazy!!! I have to try and remember everything that has happened since then!!!
Lets start with Nadia. She will be 1 in 12 days!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone! She is now walking everywhere! And she is such a handful!!! She has tooth #5 coming out now. Its on the top between the 2 already there. She also likes to dance! Her favorite song to dance to is the Ghostbusters theme!!! She is too funny!! On Monday I took her to WIC and they weighed her and she now weighs 18lbs 4oz. Her height I'm not to sure of. They said she was 26 inches, but at her 6 months checkup she was 25. I'm pretty sure she grew more than 1 inch. I guess we will see at her 1 year checkup.
On to Angie. She passed to the 3rd grade and had Outstanding Attendance for 2008-2009 school year. She only missed 1 day all school year! She was so proud! And I was so proud of her! Other than that, not much else going on with her.
Angie with her certificate:
Last but not least, Gabe. Well, he's doing pretty good. Enjoying the summer! He's going to be in the 5th grade GATE program next school year. I hope its challenging for him! He needs it! Oh, he got the Outstanding Attendance award too! Only missed 2 days! Go Kids!!!
Gabe with his award:

As for me and David, things are going really well. I am working mostly and David is taking care of the kiddos.
Well, thats about it for now. Hope I can post again soon and more often now that I have my own laptop!!!