This weekend we made a long trip. The kids, my parents, and I drove up to Bryan/College Station. Home of the Texas Aggies! When we went, it was a couple of hours til game time, so EVERY where we drove all you saw was MAROON!!! Tailgaters parked anywhere and everywhere. It was neat to see it. The last time I was up there was a while back. Sometime when I was in either middle school or high school. I bought the kids a shirt each, Gabe got a soccer ball, and I got me a jersey and a couple of T-shirts. It was funny, my dad and I looked like little kids in a candy store! lol....Of course my mom was the odd ball out. She's a Longhorn. Gabe and Angie say they are both. Aggies and Longhorns. They are still little, so I will let them make up their minds when they get old enough. Gabe now has both an Aggie shirt and a Longhorn shirt. The kids were hoping we were gonna go to the game, but we didn't have tickets so they were a lil disappointed. I told them we would try and go to the Nebraska game in Novemeber. Gotta start saving to buy the tickets.On the way home, we got caught in a couple of thunderstorms. The first one was not as bad as the second. With both, it was dark, and pouring!! I was driving SLOW!!! There was lightning with both, but with the 2nd, it was striking on the side of us. SCARY!!! But we made it home safe and sound. There was about an hour delay in the Aggie-Louisianna Tech game because of the storms. And oh yea, the Aggies won!!! yea!!! Gig 'em!!!!
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