11-2-06 So far we have finished 2 of the 4 courses for this module. Both my final grades for that class were a 93 and a 96! This time around I won't get Honor Roll or Perfect Attendance. I had to leave early last Thursday cuz Angie and David were sick and I missed all of Tuesday cuz David and I took the kids trick or treating. We are about half way done with this module. Currently we are working on our resumes. After this mod, I will have 4 done and 2 left!

10-5-06 HALF WAY DONE!!!! YEA! I am so glad. It seems like I have been going forever, but at the same time it flew by! My final grades were a 92, 89, and a 94. Just 1 point from being an A! AAGGHHH!!!!! Oh well, I still got Honor Roll. =) Tonight I have a mid-term. I'm not all that worried about it. I should already know this stuff, right? Anyway, my goal for module 6 is to get straight A's and perfect attendance. If I do it, then I will be get the Director's Honor Roll. So wish me luck!
9-7-06 So last night I got my Report Card. Yes, a Report Card! It was for the first 2 modules I have already completed. Well, my GPA is a 3.58! I was SOOOO excited! So far this module is going good. I am learning A LOT!!! After this module, which ends on the 2nd of October, I will be half way done with my classroom stuff. Anyway just wanted to share my happy news about my GPA.
8-15-06 Well, 2 modules down, 4 more to go! ...The last day for Module 4 was on Thursday, August 10th. I got back my final grades from my instructor last night. I got a 95, 89, and a 91....2 A's and 1 B! This time around I only got Honor Roll... I had to miss some of Thursday for Angie's kinder orientation.... But it's all good! I will try harder in Module 5!
7-25-06 Ok, so 1 module down, 5 more to go..... The last day of my very 1st module was on Monday, June 19th. Last night, our instructor gave us back our grades. Within that mod, mod 3, there were 3 courses. My final grades for those courses were a 90, 82, and 81. I was so relieved! I ended up getting perfect attendance and on the honor roll! It was a great feeling! Yea, I'm a nerd! And?
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