March 3, 2009

Here we go again! (Week 6)

This last week has been pretty busy. The kids have been sick and keeping me busy. Friday David and I went to the VA. They did an xray on my knee and gave me a knee brace. I have to have an MRI on it and probably have to do physical therapy. I fluid in my knee and sometimes it hurts when I walk. Other than that, everything else is ok. My thyroid levels are normal so I dont have to take my synthroid medication, but I do have to have them rechecked in about 6 weeks.

Angie's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and the last 2 days she was busy making her invitations. We are just going to have a small get together at the house and BBQ like we did for Gabe.

Gabe will be taking a test this week, either the 4th or 6th, for the Gifted and Talented Program at school. He doesnt seem to worried about it, but I am so excited!!! My baby is so smart!!!

Nadia is trying to crawl. This morning she was pushing herself up and going forward a little. Soon enough she will be all over the place!!

Well, thats about it for now!


Ellie... said...

OMG she is soooo cute Nikki !!!!!

Breanna said...

YAY for Crawling!!!

I hope your knee feels better!

Caroline said...

Good Luck to Gabe on his test!!
Are you hand making the birthday party invites? I hope to see a vidoe of Nadia crawling!

Ellie... said...

I thought I posted before... I can't believe how much hair she has!!!! She looks sooo cute trying to crawl!