Ok, so school is going great! It's going by so fast. I will be done with the classroom part in March of 07. Then I will begin my 600 hours of externship. I will be glad when I start actually taking the X-rays. Once all that is done, then I will get my certificate and 1 year temp license. I will have to take my state boards within that year to get my permanent license.
So, to all my friends and family, there will be a graduation, which will be in Sept of 07, and oh, you best believe, there will be a party to celebrate! =) Where EVERYONE (including kiddos) is invited!! =)
I have also been doing a lot of thinking lately. About my plans and my family's future. When I do my externship, I will have to quit working and won’t be making any money. It will suck, but I know I will have David to help me with that. Plus, I've been thinking about furthering my education. When I finish this program, I will still have 15 months left on my GI Bill, which I have till March of 2011 to use. So, I've been thinking, that when I am doing my externship, and my school is paid off, I may go to ACC or something and get my basics out of the way in case I decide to go for the full RT license and so I don’t lose my benefits. I haven’t decided yet and haven’t really discussed it with David yet to see what he thinks about it. It's just a thought.
Also, as you all know, I grew up here in Austin and have lived in several different cities and states. David is from Cali, Gabe was born in North Carolina, and Angie was born in Killeen. Well, I have been doing a lot of thinking, and know that I could probably make way more money in a bigger city than here in Austin. I've been considering moving out of state. Don't get me wrong, I love Austin and Texas, but I think that there are bigger and better things for me out there. I've seen it! I know my parents may not like the fact, but it’s just the way I am. I like adventure and trying new things and seeing new places. I've been considering a few places I would like to move to. Where I think I would make a good amount of money and be able to support my family.
The places I've been thinking about are Houston, North Carolina, Florida, or even Cali. Once I get my license and before I decide to move, I will have to check into the other states requirements for me to get licensed there.